Will my gift to Menno Haven be tax deductible?

Yes. Menno Haven is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization. Gifts made to Menno Haven are tax exempt to the fullest extent of the law. We suggest that you contact your financial advisor for the most “tax-wise” way to make your gift.

Why are the four building projects so important to Menno Haven today and tomorrow?

Menno Haven takes very seriously its mission to be an innovative organization that nurtures the human spirit, is passionate about service, and demonstrates God’s love, one person at a time. These four building projects, along with the accompanying important internal culture change will allow Menno Haven to continue its rich tradition of providing the highest quality of service, but now in new person-centered environments. This charitable gift campaign is designed to ensure the availability of financial resources so that Menno Haven can move forward with these projects and to meet it’s current and future financing obligations.

How will the Benevolent Fund benefit Menno Haven and its current and future residents?

A growing and robust endowment fund will generate important annual income that can be used to help provide benevolent care for those who experience unexpected financial challenges, and will help sustain programs, projects and technological advances in perpetuity. Many supporters will choose to make a gift to Menno Haven’s endowment fund with a new or increased planned (estate) gift.

Will Menno Haven offer any special gift “naming” opportunities in this campaign?

Yes. This fund raising campaign will include numerous “gift naming” opportunities for each one of the four projects as well as named endowment funds. Any gift may be made “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” and all donors will be thanked in a special post-campaign Honor Roll of Donors publication at the conclusion of the effort. Permanent gift naming opportunities on rooms and spaces in the four projects will start at $25,000 (payable over 5 years, if desired) and go all the way up to $1 million and more. A list of named gift opportunities is available. Gifts of all sizes are needed in this campaign and all will be gratefully received! Remember: You may make a gift that combines a current gift payable over 5 years with a qualifying planned gift (Example – a gift through your will, life insurance or a gift annuity) to secure a naming opportunity. Please contact Development Services for details about gift counting and crediting.

Over how many years may I pay my pledge?

Menno Haven is offering pledge payments for a period of one to five years, if requested. Because of the tremendous importance of annual giving, Menno Haven asks that campaign gifts be made “over and above” what is ordinarily gifted to the Menno Haven community on an annual basis.

What role will planned gifts play in the campaign?

Planned Gifts include new/increased annuities, trusts, bequests and other estate planning vehicles that are pledged by donors specifically in response to this campaign effort. Planned gifts may be designated toward Menno Haven’s building projects or to the existing endowment fund (i.e. benevolent care). Donors will be asked to sign a binding campaign pledge form and provide copies of the pertinent section of their will along with the pledge form. Many donors will choose to make a combination of outright and planned (estate) gifts to maximize their giving.

How will these projects be financed?

The funding plan for these projects includes the issuance of long-term bonds, traditional bank financing, Menno Haven reserves, a minimum of $7 million in cash and multiyear pledges as well as a minimum of $8 million in current and planned gifts to support the endowment fund component of the campaign. The funding plan has been designed to ensure the long-term financial stability of the organization.

What new programs and events will be possible when the new Resident Life Center is operational?

Recent growth in independent living at Menno Haven has produced a shortage of “gathering spaces” for our community where we can socialize, worship, learn and dine together. The Convocation Room at the new Resident Life Center will comfortably hold 280 for concerts, worship services, theater performances, town hall meetings and lectures. The Resident Life Center will also feature a “Marketplace Style” dining venue greatly expanding the types and styles of food choices, a Hobby and Art Center, a Salon, Coffee Bar and a Technology Center. Along with these new spaces, additional and expanded programming will be offered to enhance our residents’ experience.

In what order will the projects be constructed and is there an approximate construction timeline?

Construction and Completion Timeline:

  • Rehabilitation Center – Opened the End of 2019
  • Memory Care Houses – Opened Spring of 2019
  • Resident Life Center – Opened Early 2020
  • Health Care Center – Scheduled to Open Summer of 2020